5 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Jashodaben



Narendra Modi’s marital status has been revealed when he submitted nomination papers for Vadodara Lok Sabha constituency under oath that Jashodaben is his wife.

1) Jashodaben Chimanlal Modi is a retired school teacher who got married to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi when she was 17 and they separated after 3 years.

2) She was married to Narendra Modi in their native village, Vadnagar, in Mehsana district and had studied only up to Class VII that time.

3) In 1974, she completed her SSC, completed her teachers training in 1976 and became a teacher in 1978.

4) She worked for 12 years in Roopal village’s Panchayat school and then in 1991, she came to Rajosana village where she currently lives with her 2 brothers and praying all the time.

5) She got separated from Narendra Modi because when Modiji was young, he was busy devoting time to his political ambitions than his family.

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  1. People who live in Glass – Houses

    People who live in glass houses , should not throw stones at houses of others

    What are Congressmen ( – and sundry advocates ) trying to achieve by raking up the case of Narendra Modi’s marriage to Jashodaben , some 46 years ago ? – When , she herself is praying for his electoral success , instead of complaining ?

    Haven’t they heard of the Bible story where Jesus told the crowd ,

    ” Let him be the first to throw the stone at this sinner woman , one who has never sinned himself ”

    I agree , we Indians are not terribly conscious / concerned about personal privacy

    But , by and large , Indian politicians – and even general public – have refrained from discussing the private lives of public figures

    Of course , other than in cases of some Bollywood celebrities who couldn’t care less , as long as their photos appeared on page 3 !

    Congressmen even failed to realize that , by talking about NaMo’s forgotten marriage , they have only helped his ” Brand – Recall ” amongst the voters !

    I believe , BJP has passed a resolution thanking Kapil Sibal , for saving Rs 100 Crores on publicity !

    Remember the case of the Hollywood actress who got herself ” kidnapped ” , 2 days prior to launch of a movie in which she starred as heroine ?

    With the terrific / free publicity she got in national / international newspapers , the movie broke all box-office records and became a blockbuster !

    NaMo seems to be saying ,

    ” To hell with privacy ! Just get voters to talk about me ”

    * hemen parekh ( 13 April 2014 / Mumbai )

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