25% hike in BMS fees from the next academic batch?


Mumbai University’s fee revision committee has recommended a 25 per cent hike in its colleges across the state. A final decision on the hike will be taken by the university’s management council next week.
If passed in the council, unaided colleges will be able to hike fees by 25 per cent. Aided colleges, on the other hand, will be able to hike only the component fees and leave aside the tuition fee.

“Among several other things, colleges will have to fulfill standards of quality and pay teachers as per the salary prescribed. The hike is likely to come into effect from the next academic year,” said university pro-vice chancellor Naresh Chandra, who also heads the 12-member committee which was appointed by the university for the purpose.

The recommendation, however, has invited flak from the teachers’ union. “The committee does not have the power to change the reference as it was formed to look only at individual cases,” said Madhu Paranjpe, general secretary, Bombay University and College Teachers’ Union.

Senator and member of the committee Pradeep Sawant has alleged foul play. “The university was supposed to take a decision on Monday. However, it suddenly decided to take consensus on the proposal on Friday and ensured that members of the committee would agree to the hike in fees,” he said.

Source: DNA


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