International Marketing Important Question Bank 2014 – 1 Day Before Exams!

Solved Exam Papers:


Expected Questions:

Chapter 1 :

1) Define international marketing- features, importance, advantages.

2) Differentiate between international and domestic marketing.

Chapter 2:

1) Meaning, Definition, Types and forms of tarrif and non-tarrif barriers.

2) Trading blocs – Meaning, definition, Positive, negative impact on international market.

Chapter 3:

1) WTO – Objectives, functions

2) MNC – definition, advantages

Chapter 4:

1) Packaging – Importance and functions.

2) Factors for packaging design in international market

3) Indian Institute of Packaging

Chapter 5:

1) Distribution channels for exporting

2) Types of foreign intermediaries

Chapter 8:

1) Direct vs indirect exporting

2) Problems of entering global markets

Chapter 9:

1) Market segmentation – definition and bases.

Important Question Banks:


Mumbai University Question Papers:


Solved Exam Answer Papers:



Prelims Papers:

1) Vipin Saboo Tutorials:

2) Wilson College:

3) Chetana College:

4) St. Rocks College:

5) L.N. College:

6) K.C. College:

7) Ritumbhara College:

8) Nirmala College:

9) K.M. Agrawal College:
10) UPG College:
11) M.C.C. College:

12) N.M. College:

13) M.M.K. College:
14) M.L. Dahanukar College:
15) Royal College:
16) Thakur College:
17) VES College:
18) Joshi Bedekar college:
19) VPM College:
20) V.K.K Menon College:
21) S.M. Shetty College:
22) SIES College:
23) D.G. Ruparel College:

24) G.N. Khalsa College:

 25) B.L. Amlani College:

26) S.I.W.S College:

27) Sanpada College:

28) C.K.T. College:

 29) Ramniranjan Jhujhunwala college:


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