10 Funniest Hilarious “Tiger Shroff” Tweets of All Time



  1. Bansal Classes includes Tiger Shroff ‘s fight scenes to teach students the finer concepts of polyhedral geometry.
  2. Tiger Shroff will not be beaten by bad guys in his movies because it will come under “atrocities against Animals act”.
  3. Tiger Shroff‘s debut movie would premier on Animal Planet
  4. Maneka Gandhi has promised to help Tiger Shroff should he ever face any trouble in fife.
  5. Tiger Shroff looks more like a Chinese who while invading into India was beaten black & blue by the Indian army
  6. Tiger Shroff took birth in a hospital. Now, thats a real good gesture for the extincting species.
  7. Tiger Shroff ‘s movie should have been named “Heroinpanti” instead of
  8. Tiger Shroff‘s kid will be named Cub Shroff.
  9. Tiger Shroff is the only Tiger who doesn’t need to be saved. Audience need to be saved from him. Only 1141 left.
  10. Tiger Shroff looks more like Danny’s son as compared to his own father Jackie Shroff.
  11. Tiger Shroff and Rahul Gandhi are the outcomes when a family drags their child to the same profession/field as their dad was/is in.
  12. How many of you believe that Tiger Shroff is an endangered species even before his first release?
  13. Don’t make jokes on Tiger Shroff, his father Jackie Shroff has already made him a joke by keeping his name Tiger.

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  1. ‪#‎Superb‬▬▬✔✔ ▬▬‪#‎Mind_Blowing‬▬-✔✔………………suPerb pi¢ TiGer shRoFf ………………i loVe u bRo………………

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