On Sunday, Farooq Abdullah said if Narendra Modi comes in power, Kashmir will not be a part of India. He accused Narendra Modi for being a communal person and Kashmiris will not accept a communal person.
Here are 6Â Interesting Facts About Dr. Farooq Abdullah You Never Knew:
1) Dr. Farooq Abdullah is the son of Sheikh Abdullah, born on 21st October 1937.
2) He has served as a Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir since 1982.
3) He is a doctor of medicine and was appointed president of National Conference in August 1981.
4) He is awarded Dr. B.C. Roy Award as a medical man-cum-statesman, D. Litt. (Honoris causa) Aligarh Muslim University and Degree of Letters (Honoris Causa), Pondicherry University, Puducherry.
5) He is a golf member of Delhi Golf Club, DLF Golf Club, Royal Spring Golf Course Kashmir, St. Andrews, Scotland and President, J& K Cricket Association.Â
6) His favorite pastimes and recreation include photography, classical music and ghazals.