The first look of Singh Is Bling, starring hit kiladi jodi Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, was revealed on 27th April in Mumbai starring the Khiladi Kumar as a turbanned Sikh holding a golden  gun, a dollar sign around his neck. As the title suggests, there’s a lot of bling/shine from Akshay’s shinning turban and gold gun. Akshay and Katrina starring in Singh is Bling have starred before in the 2008 hit Singh Is Kinng, 2007’s Namastey London and 2010 Tees Maar Khan which was famous only for Katrina’s Sheila Ki Jawani number. The movie is directed by Prabhu Deva, has no connections with Singh Is Kinng despite the similarity in names. Prabhu Deva directed Akshay in Rowdy Rathore in 2012 and will be working with Katrina, fresh from her Dhoom: 3 success, for the first time.
Singh Is Bling is scheduled to release around Eid in 2015.