An FIR to be filed against Narendra Modi for violating election rules



The Election Commission strictly directed the Gujarat administration to file a complaint or FIR against Narendra Modi for violating electoral laws by displaying BJP’s election symbol and making a speech right after casting his vote in Gandhinagar, Gujarat .

The Election Commission’s view is that a person cannot hold a meeting and address at the same time when polling / voting is going on in Gujarat  and in different parts of the country, he has violated the provisions of Sections 126 (1)(a) and 126 (l)(b) of R P Act 1951.

All the TV channels and other electronic media which carried the proceedings of the meeting and displayed the election matter should also be proceeded against under Section 126 (l) (b) “by filing separate complaints/FlRs against those channels.”

According to the section 126 (1) (a) and (b), there is a prohibition of public meetings during period of 48 hours ending with hour fixed for conclusion of poll. It states that “no person shall: (a) convene, hold or attend, join or address any public meeting or procession in connection with an election and (b) display to the public any election matter by means of cinematography, television or other similar apparatus.”

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Aishwarya Mehta
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