Love is in the air for Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh and TV Anchor Amrita Rai




Congress general secretary Digvijaya Singh admitted  his relationship with TV anchor Amrita Rai and now everyone wants to know  how the affair blossomed.

 Sources close to former MP Chief Minister says , Singh came close to Rai like six months after the death of his wife Asha in February last year. His wife died due to cancer.

After his son and four daughters came to know about their father’s relationship  with Amrita, they protested, and  his son-MLA from Raghogarh Jaivardhan Singh-was not on talking terms with his father
for quite some time.

The 67-year-old Singh  tweeted on Wednesday:  “I have no hesitation in accepting my relationship with Amrita Rai. She and her husband have already filed a mutual consent divorce case.”

Amrita Rai 43, also tweeted, “I have separated from my husband and we have filed a mutual consent divorce papers. After which I have decided to marry with Digvijaya Singh.”

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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