11 Hilarious Jokes Of Uday Chopra, Rani Mukherjee – Aditya Chopra Wedding Trending On WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook


Soon after Bollywood actress Rani Mukerji announced officially that she has married the famous director Aditya Chopra secretly in Italy, twitteraites wished the couple happy married life and also made fun of Uday Chopra who wished the couple all the love and happiness.

Here is a collection of 11 best hilarious jokes of Uday Chopra:


  1. Rani Mukharjee took a brave step by marrying with Adi Chopra despite knowing the fact that she would get a Devar like Uday Chopra.
  2. Now, Chopra household has both the ends of acting spectrum!! Must be a proud moment. 🙂 #UdayChopra #RaniMukerji
  3. Finally, #RaniMukerji married #AdityaChopra ..but there seems to be no Suryaӟday for our #UdayChopra
  4.  #UdayChopra trending on the eve of Aditya chopra’s wedding . This is called Real Stardom…:-D
  5. #UdayChopra OHHh was he invited in Adi’s wedding.?”
  6. First time in history, #UdayChopra is trending without Dhoom! Thanks to #AdityaChopra #RaniMukherjee
  7. #UdayChopra needlessly trending as the best man in #AdityaChopra and #RaniMukerji wedding… #twitter never disappoints
  8. Rani mukherjee has to take care of her husband, her mother in law and a chimp whose name is Uday Chopra.
  9. Aditya Chopra is nothing short of a ghostly apparition that only Rani Mukherjee, er, Chopra can see. And you thought phantoms don’t exist!
  10. So, will Rani Mukherjee and Aditya Chopra promise us all never to cast that Uday Chopra in a movie ever again?
  11. I would have thought Aditya and Rani would have got married in Switzerland! I guess with election time ITALY is more significant:)


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