5 Best Internet Reactions Of Chennai Bomb Blasts On Twitter



Chennai had a shocking bomb blast yesterday on the main railway station where 1 died and 11 were injured. Jayalalithaa government in Tamil Nadu snubbed the Union Ministry of Home Affairs after the Chennai railway station blasts by keeping it waiting for information and refused help from NIA and NSG.

Here are 5 best tweets trending on Twitter:

  1. Priyanka gandhi loves her father so much that she went all the way to chennai to meet her father’s killer Nalini.
  2. Wow .. ..You had fun discussing Chennai blast? If some more had died.. youd have partied?
  3. Looks like yesterday’s Chennai blasts were the terrorists’ farewell gifts to Sushil Kumar Shinde.
  4. Respected Shindeji yesterday there was bomb blast in Chennai , today terrorist attack in Assam what are you doing in this regard ??
  5. One more terror attack in Chennai yesterday. Our country’s security is weaker than Internet Explorer’s.

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