9 Best Reactions On ‘Modi’ Trending On Twitter






  1. Look how happy BJP workers are in meeting Priyanka Gandhi. Such an awe. Such a Modi ‘wave’. 🙂
  2. Didnt expect such craze for Modi– People have HUGE expectations from him & are certain he will win & solve “gareeb aadmi ke issues”
  3. They say “India will change for the worse if modi comes to power”. No. India has already changed for the worse if modi can come to power.
  4. Respect to Arvind Kejriwal G for standing firm against 2G, Coalgate, CWG etc done by Congress and fighting election against..err..Modi & BJP
  5. U won’t believe this, but Modi slowly being thrown out of the contest in Varanasi. RSS’ biggest defeat since 1925, the year it was born!
  6. First No Modi Wave…. Now Wave Declining …. Pehle decide karlo wave hai yeh nahin … Delusional folks in AAP & Con !!
  7. we should discuss about Price Rise of Natural Gas by ambani and we are discussing if Priyanka is daughter of Modi or not .
  8. Shinde: I have known Modi ji for 15 years. Never in this time span has he ever mentioned that he was a ‘chaiwala’.
  9. Who are we? Modi fans. What do we know about Modi? Nothing much. Why do we support him? No comments. What’s the first name of Modi? AbKiBaar

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