6 Hilarious Tweets on Sonia Gandhi’s massive rally in Andhra Pradesh



 At the Andhra Muslim College grounds on Friday, when Congress President Sonia Gandhi addressed for 30-minutes, around 7000 people who turned up for the rally were silent which reflected the anger of the Seemandhra region people over State’s bifurcation.

  1. After Sonia‘s marriage, one-by-one, Sanjay, Indira or Rajiv have all got unnatural death, so that she can loot India. Is this coincidence?
  2. Guntur : Sonia Gandhi’s massive rally was attended by 7000 People, reports indicate people did not clap once during her entire speech.
  3. Let God save India from Modi-Sonia. Does she believe in God? Which god? If she believes in her Italian one he can’t do anything to
  4. Empty chairs vs ppl standing in the rain ! That is Sonia vs Modi in
  5. If Sonia Maino can become Sonia gandhi then by the same logic Priyanka Gandhi has become Priyanka Vadra
  6. India shd be told how even as a Foreigner, Sonia Gandhi held shares in Maruti amd was an MD. How she violated FERA back then.

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