7 Funniest ‘Snoopgate’ Tweets Trending on Twitter





  1. Does Arnab have guts to ask for Modi’s resignation on snoopgate?
  2. Let me say this again. is NOT a personal issue. It is a public issue, a serious breach of trust & govt impunity.
  3. BJP cries about personal attacks. was the real personal attack-on an innocent woman’s privacy and personal life.
  4. The gravest crime, after the ’02 riots & encounters, committed by Narendra Modi is the . Glad Priyanka raised it.
  5. Venkaiah Naidu criticises Congress over Centre’s move to appoint commission to probe ‘snoopgate‘ issue
  6. Instead of explaining the security lapse, shameless Sushil Kumar Shinde is holding press conferences on (so-called) snoopgate!
  7. Govt adamant on snoopgate commission..kapil sibal tells me nothing wrong with appointing and judge for commission

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