SRM University to declare SRMEEE 2014 Results on 3 May 2014




Engineering Entrance Exam conducted by SRM University on 17th April and 22nd April 2014 in 2 sessions per day and the paper based exam was conducted on 27th April 2014. 

SRM University will declare the results online and it can be seen on the official website:

The SRM University also holds entrance examination to grant admission into management as well as medicine and health science courses. For Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) and Health Sciences (Undergraduate), candidates can choose to take the examinations either on offline or online mode. For Masters of Technology (M Tech), Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA), all candidates need to appear for the online entrance test.

SRM University with over 38, 000 students and more than 2, 600 faculties across all the campus offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in Engineering, Management, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Sciences and Humanities.

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