Movie Review : Purani Jeans Is Friends Forever Old Story!



Star cast: Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal, Izabelle Leite, Param Baidwaan, Raghav Raj Kakkar, Kashyap Kapoor, Sarika, Rati Agnihotri, Rajit Kapoor, Manoj Pahwa

Director : Tanushri Chattrji Bassu

Purani Jean will remind you of your old college buddies. The film is painful in the beginning as Sid (Tanuj Virwani) recollects his college memories after his mother’s (Rati Agnihotri) death. Sid has a a gang of friends, Sam (Aditya) is the only guy studying in US but wants to be a rockstar. He wants Sid to write songs for him but he is more interested in his MBA from USA. Everything goes well till both guys fall for the same girl Nayantara (Isabelle Leite).

Sid’s mom Rati tells her son not to hurt the feelings of his bestie Sam. Nayantara does justice to her character, Sam manage all the emotions with equal ease and Sid just gets an ordinary space in the film. 

The movie is a one-time watch for people who wanna refresh their college memories.

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