10 Easy Ways To Get Fit In Few Minutes Of Exercise Every Day Without Gym


Wanna get fit but don’t wanna join a health club? Do you feel working out at home is of no use? Well, if you are consistent and determined then you can really get a great workout without leaving the home.


Here are 10 Easy Ways To Get Fit In 10 Minutes Of Exercise:

1)     Warmup is an easy walk outside or on a treadmill. Take a brisk 5-10 minutes power walk in one direction of the street and back in the other.

2)     For cardiovascular portion, walk faster which can get your heart rate up.

3)     Resistance i.e. strength building exercises can be push-ups and abdominal crunches.

4)     Flexibility moves can be different yoga poses and cardiovascular work at a low level that brings the heart rate down to a resting state.

5)     You can break 1 hour exercise time into small chunks of 10-15 mins on your overscheduled days to keep your confidence up.

6)     Hop on an exercise bike or do a treadmill workout in regular intervals of your day.

7)     Try 5 to 10 minutes of jumping jacks.

8)     Do standing push-ups which you are cooking lunch or dinner.

9)     After dinner, go outside, walk around the garden or play with building kids outside for 15-20 minutes.

10)   Climbing stairs instead of using an elevator can also help and strengthen your muscles.

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