10 Interesting Facts To Know Before Starting Trading As A Business


Wanna be your own boss and set your own schedule and work from home? Do you know that anyone with a computer, internet connection and a small trading account can startup a trading business?


To start trading is very easy, you just have to open a trading account and press the “buy” button. Before starting with a “Trading Business” you need to be aware of the below facts:

1)      No trading system wins all the time.

2)      90% of traders fail within the first year.

3)      With a small trading account, you will need money to become rich.

4)      Even if you are a great trader, you will have to lose trades.

5)      “Risk” is the biggest factor in Trading.

6)      You will tend to fail for the first year if you don’t have any type of logical business or trading plan.

7)      Trading is not easy and involves a lot of hardwork to make huge amount of money in a short time.

8)      Trading requires constant research, evaluation and there is no guarantee that the outcome will always be positive for the efforts you have put in.

9)      You can either become a part-time or full-time trader.

10)  Have realistic expectation and treat trading as a business and not as a hobby or easy-to-become-rich scheme.

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