8 Amazing Budget-Friendly Things To Gift Your Mom On Mother’s Day 2014


Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 11, 2014. Make your mother feel special by showing how much she means to you. Here we present budget-friendly gifts which will make the day of your mom, grandma or wife:


1) Be first to awake your mom with a delicious morning breakfast. Hug her and wish “Happy Mother’s Day Mom” with a broad 🙂

2) Write a cute poem on why  your mom is so special to you and your family and dedicate it to her.

3) Help your mom in household chores without being asked. Clean the home, wash the dishes, do the laundry and make your mom feel relaxed.

4) Pick your favorite photographs with your mom and family, prepare a collage, present it to her and make her happy.

5) Sit with her and talk to her for long hours. Share with her your sweet memories, confessions and secrets. Give her an opportunity to share what she feels.

6) Encourage her to come out of her other roles of wife, mom, sister etc. and ask her to enjoy her womanhood by meeting a friend, reading books, pursuing her hobbies etc.

7) Take her out for a movie or gift her favorite old music audios / movies which she always wanted to watch but never got the chance to.

8) Gift her a new mobile / teach her new apps so that she can use it on her free time.

Alongwith these ideas, make it a point that you spend quality time with her on this day as well on weekends. Plan a family outing with mom, go to the park or go on a hike or visit a local museum, or just plan a movie at home if she likes it the most.

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