7 Killer Hilarious ‘Subrata Roy’ Tweets Trending On Twitter


subrata roy

Supreme Court refuses to give relief to Subrata Roy who is the Sahara Group Chief. Subrata Roy is going to spend a long hot summer in Jail :p

Here are 7 Funny Hilarious ‘Subrata Roy’ Tweets Trending On Twitter:

  1. How’s Subrata Roy doing? Still in jail? Why can’t he apply for a bail that SC finds difficult to reject? Wasting both Court & public’s time.
  2. – cricket ke lafde mein Salman Khan – wicket ke lafde mein Rahul Gandhi – ticket ke lafde mein Subrata Roy – pocket ke lafde mein
  3. Subrata Roy to remain in jail. Remembering Amir in Andaz Apna Apna-Apka plan hi galat hai! Aapne baap ko kidnap kiya aur beti se paise mange
  4. I don’t understand men like Subrata Roy. What’s the use of earning so much money, fame-then greedy for some more and land up in jail?
  5. Supreme Court rejects Subrata Roy’s bail plea, r v silently witnessing benchmark for other honchos?
  6. Supreme Court should release Subrata Roy immediately. It should consider liquidating his companies (if permitted by law).
  7. Those who wanted to marry me or proposed me in past always r lucky to be in Jail. One was Lalu ji, One is Subrata Roy n One will be Digvijay

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