6 Best Confusing ‘Warner’ Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. Time Warner Cable is by far the worst company to ever exist. Ever. I cannot stress this enough. They are evil.
  2. think warner is being wasted in the role of a middle order finisher. perhaps sammy’s poor form forcing the move.
  3. David Warner below Naman Ojha? Good to know Apne Munde aren’t alone in being brainless.
  4. Seems like only yesterday Mr.warner was telling us in 8th grade about how he couldn’t even talk about you guys cuz you were that bad lol
  5. Some people are getting paid a lot of money for deciding to send in David Warner in the 10th over. I want that job!
  6. Warner Bros. announces gritty Beetleborgs reboot directed by Zach Snyder to debut May 2031.

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