7 Crazy Funny ‘BJP Drama’ & ‘Banaras vs Modi’ Status Trending On Facebook, Twitter






  1. Innocent BHU students unable to answer exam because of the roadblock in Banaras. PM in waiting believes in ruckus, not peace.
  2. In his desperation to grab power at any cost,Shri Modi has breached all norms of civilised conduct and political discourse.
  3. In his desperation to grab power at any cost,Shri Modi has breached all norms of civilised conduct and political discourse.
  4. goons blocking the way to the university, Saamne Ghat & hospital. Patients awfully hassled.
  5. No of ppl in .. isse jyada log to AAP ki nukkad sabha me hote hain.. kaahe ki modi wave..
  6. Movie Name: Movie Started: 11 AM Movie ended: 2 PM Directed By: Arun Jaitley Audience: Hardly 400 Status: Super FLOP
  7. BJP Advt – “No dharna, No drama ..Abki baar Modi Sarkaar” Reality of BJP -“We will hold dharna against EC” :Jaitley.

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