Tennis star Leander Paes and wife Rhea Pillai’ s separation affecting daughter Aiyana Paes

Tennis star Leaner Paes and his model wife Rhea Pillai are going through a difficult patch, which is effecting their daughter Aiyana Paes. News of Leander and Rhea’s sepration  sometime back came in the news, only to be cleared by the couple that the two have been in a live-in relationship all this while and were not married. When this news was dying, Leander dragged Rhea to court over their daughter’s custody battle. According to news reports, Leander has cited Rhea’s irresponsible behaviour, lack of personal maternal supervision, self-indulgence, volatile temper, bohemian attitude and creating insecurity in the mind of the child” as reasons detrimental to her “healthy upbringing.” According to a news report  in 2008, Rhea’s  ex husband Sanjay Dutt was paying her mobile and shopping bills till the divorce was finalised, even though she had a baby with Leander. Leander and Rhea’s custody battle for their baby girl  has grown ugly overtime.


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Aishwarya Mehta
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