Mastram : A confused movie by the director Akhilesh Jaiswal


Last seen in Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurranna and TV show Powder Rahul Bagga  has acted in  Bollywood debut in debutante director Akhilesh Jaiswal’s Mastram.

Is the film about a  fictional biography of porn-writer Mastram or Is it porn? Is it a writer’s biography? Or is it about someone dreams to be something but can’t be fulfilled? Well, whatever it is the audience has to decide because it seems the director Akhilesh Jaiswal is also too confused the director seems unsure whether he wants to make a
biography or an erotic story. The movie is not complete erotic or porn you can enjoy. There is some skin show, stripping and groaning / moaning  that you are subjected to, but there’s only so much. Not enough to qualify for an erotic film.  All you see is a  Tara Alisha Berry (Rajaram’s wife) whose mixing sex with cooking in a fling with her husband’s friend. The film shows the old concept women as a sex object.

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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