10 Inspirational SMS, Quotes, Messages, Poems For WhatsApp





Worth reading-

A group of friends visited their old university professor.

Conversation soon turned to complaints about

‘STRESS’ & ‘TENSION’ in Life.

Professor offered them Coffee & returned from kitchen with Coffee in different kinds of cups !!!

(Glass Cups, Crystal Cups, Shining Ones, Some Plain Looking, Some Ordinary & Some Expensive Ones……)

When all of them had a Cup in Hand,

the professor said:-

“If you noticed-

all the Nice Looking & Expensive Cups are taken up,

leaving – behind the ordinary ones !!

Everyone of you wanted the Best CUPS,


that is the source of your STRESS & TENSION !!

What you really wanted was

“Coffee”, not the “Cup” !

But you still went for the Best Cup.

If Life is Coffee ;

Then Jobs, Money, Status & Love etc.  are the Cups !!!

They are just TOOLS to hold and contain Life.

Please Don’t Let the CUPS Drive you !!

Enjoy the COFFEE ……!!!


Sumtyms hurting is needed 2 mk u grow,
Failure is needed 2mk u know.,
Loss is needed2 mk u gain,
Coz some lessons r bst wen learnt thru pain….


A 10 Years Old Boy Went
To An Ice-cream Shop
& Asked How Much A
Cone Costs ???
Waiter Said Rs: 15 Rs
The Boy Started
Counting How Much He
Had In His Wallet …
Then He Asked
How Much A Small Cup
Waiter Said: 12 Rs
The Boy Asked For A
Small Cup , He Had It
And Paid The Bill & Left
When The Waiter Came
To Pick The Empty Cup ,
He Was Touched. The Boy
Had Left 3 Rs Coins As
Tip For Him …
… Moral …
Try Giving
Something To Everyone
Out Of Whatever Little
You Have …


Those Who Appear
In Your Life
Whether To Help Or
To Harm You Are
All Given By GOD
Meet All Of Them With
A Peaceful Heart But
With A Warrior’s Spirit
You’ll Fail Many Times
In Failing You’ll Learn
And In Learning You’ll
Find Your Way.
Remember There Are
No Mistakes In Life
Only Lessons &
Lessons Will Keep
Repeating Themselves On
Until Learned …


‘L i f e’
Is not an
‘i – P o d’
To listen your
Favorite Songs
It’s a
‘R a d i o’
You must
‘A d j u s t’
Yourself to enjoy,
Whatever comes in it…


The Leaves Will Wither & Die,
Life Goes On
The Branches Will Break
Life Goes On
Old Wood Is Tossed In To The Fire
Life Goes On
Seeds Sprout & New Growth Emerges
Life Goes On
Join This Caravan Or Stand By The Wayside
Life Goes On
Welcome Life Or Struggle Against It
Life Goes On


Those Who Do More Then They’re Paid
For Are Always Sought For Their Services. Their Name & Work
Outlive Them & They Always
Command The Highest Price
Chase Your Passion Not Your Pension


Born with personality is an accident but Dying as a personality is an achievement.
Your birth may be normal, but Your death should be history.
Practice like a devil and play like an angel.
Do or die is an old concept. Do it b4 die is a new concept.


When God solve your problem,
then you feel happy.
B’coz you have faith in his abilities.
When God doesn’t solve your problem,
then you are getting worry.
But don’t worry,
B’coz he has faith in your ability.


Laugh at your mistakes,
but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles,
but gather strength from them.
Have fun with your difficulties,
but overcome them.
Good Day!


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