10 Things You Never Knew About Sania Mirza


Being the highest ranked female tennis player ever from India, Sania Mirza has a career ranking of 27 in singles and 18 in doubles. Her powerful forehand strokes, confidence and positive attitude combined with good looks and charm have won millions of hearts across the world.

Let’s have a look at the 10 Things You Never Knew About Sania Mirza :



1) Sania Mirza was born in Mumbai to parents – Imran Mirza who is a sports journalist and Nasima who is house-wife.


2) When she was 6 years old, she started playing tennis at the Nizam club in Hyderabad.


3) When she was 16, she made India proud by becoming the youngest and first ever Indian to attain the girls’ doubles junior Wimbledon tennis championship and winning the Grand Slam title.


4) When she was 18, she became the Brand Ambassador of Lotto Sports Italia and the 4th player of the world to have a signature line of her own.


5) She is the first tennis player to make more than USD 1 million.


6) She has an honorary degree from Chennai’s MGR Educational and Research Institute University.


7) In 2010, she was the most searched Indian sportsperson according to Google Trends.


8) She got married to Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik who is related to former cricket captains Ghulam Ahmed of India, and Asif Iqbal of Pakistan.


9) Her hobbies are : dancing, listening to Rap, hip-hop and Hindi remix, cricket, swimming.


10) She is very religious and never misses her daily prayers and Quran reading.


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