5 Entertaining Things College Students Should Do During Summer Break



Are you missing your college campus and spending your days at a job or internship or at home doing nothing? Here we list 5 Entertaining Things College Students Should Do During Summer Break:


1) Read a science fiction / general fiction / murder mystery and let your brain take a break. Don’t love to read books? Then how about getting an audio book which you can get from the library and even listen to while working out or driving around.


2) Use your time, energy by volunteering in clubs or social events. You will feel great for helping someone in need and also your contribution to the society can make a difference.


3) This summer is a great time to explore some new form of exercise. You can try for yoga, pilates, spinning or something new. Joining sports clubs or teams in your area can keep you fit. Sports team can range from competitive baseball to completely silly kickball leagues.


4) Relax your brain by joining gyms or hiking clubs and get yourself in shape. It will help you exercise your body, treat yourself to something fun and make new friends.


5) Spend your weekend seeing all the new releases. Ask your besties to join you and make a home-theatre watching your favorites. You can also try a new video game and play it without worrying about anything. It’s all free time, enjoy and have fun!

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