5 Interesting Funny #SantSatayeSattaJaaye Tweets Trending On Twitter



Twitter has great number of followers of Asaram Bapuji who are tweeting with the hashtag  #SantSatayeSattaJaaye since yesterday as Congress lost in the Lok Sabha Elections 2014.

Find here 5 interesting tweets trending on Twitter:

1)    #SantSatayeSattaJaaye People lyk asaram should be hanged till death.They hv not only rape d women but also raped d sentiments of innocents.

2)    case hi pura bogus hai. Nature is going to punish all the conspirator #SantSatayeSattaJaaye

3)    Which law empowers women to cook fake stories and misuse the laws? No enquiry required?On wat grounds is it justified? #SantSatayeSattaJaaye

4)    Millions of Supporters across the world could not stand by Bapuji if the case had even a bit of reality! #SantSatayeSattaJaaye

5)    Instead of hatching conspiracy against Saints & targeting Hinduism, I wish Congress had done something fruitful. #SantSatayeSattaJaaye

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