What makes Mumbai ‘Aamchi’ for Mumbaikars!


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Being a “Mumbaikar” I could write a book on “aamchi mumbai”. It’s a fantastic feeling to be a true Mumbaikar and I am so proud to be one. While the non mumbaikars must be thinking what is that good about being a Mumbaikar but let me tell you the coming words are going to tell you what makes us a Mumbaikar.

The ”apun” word which describes our unity. Vada Pav is a daily booster for us. Local trains tell you everything about Mumbai and the hidden lives. Juhu and Girgaum chowpatty are mini Goa for us. The queens necklace shows you that the city never sleeps. This are jus few examples that highlight the life of Mumbai

But this “sapno ka shaher”= dream city has its own charm. The specialty of this metropolitan city which is the most populated city in the country is that a person can survive here even in any terms and conditions. This city has seen dreams which turned into realities and thousands of rags to riches to story. The city has faced my terrorist attacks but got back to life in no time. Here you see the diversity of India. Marathi manoos celebrating Navratri and a Gujarati family celebrating Gudi padva with equal love and respect towards the festival.

This is MY CITY.MY MUMBAI.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           – By Freny Sachde

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