Couch Surfing – The new travel trend



People are confused about the concept of couch surfing and have been trying to know it for quite some time now. As the name suggests, ‘Couch Surfing’ is a new way which is cheap and all kinds of travellers can take an advantage of this phenomenon. To be precise, couch surfing is a way adopted by travellers all over the world in which the traveller gets the benefit of staying with local people of the country/place they are travelling to, where they don’t just get to sleep for free on couches, in extra rooms or guest cottages of the host, but they also get to know the place better.

The hosts are not just giving you a place to stay but you can be friends with this local i.e. the host who is going to give you the insights of the place, advice on to where to go, the attractions of the place and much more than any guide book or other source of information would provide.

It is just not a benefit for the travellers as they get to stay for free, get a kitchen where the only expense would be groceries but also an advantage for the hosts as they get to meet new people, share lives for a small period of time which is an amazing experience as compared to staying in hotels or renting houses which not only increases your expenses but you also miss out a chance of knowing the locals, the hotspots of the place and making friends for life.

Saloni Tolia.

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