I’m A Child – Child Abuse



“Children are the future of a country”.” Children are like God”. Don’t you think, these sayings are vanishing from a person’s mind when he /she create such sins??

I’m a 10 year old girl. I live in a very well educated environment. I live with my parents and grandparents. I was enjoying my summer holidays. I had many friends. We all used to play so many games, laugh together…..

One day, two of my friends had a fight for a missing football. The girl from other society told my friends that she saw me hiding the ball behind the car in the garage. I told them I did not do it but they did not listen to me and went straight to my mum to complain about it.

My family was a pride and status lover. My mum could not bear her daughter to be called as a thief & she be insulted for not giving me good manner. Without ask me my side of story she tied me to my dining table on the left side of my house. She began to hurt me. I cried , I pleaded, I said I was sorry though I  knew deep inside that she won’t stop (cries).

Now she won’t allow me to go out to play with my friends. She kept me tied to the table. Gave me food once in a day. I was staving very badly. I was also very weak. One day, I asked for food and she got so angry with me that she took a wooden stick n began to push it into my private parts. I saw my father , my grandparents standing there and watching the cruelty. They were not even worried that I might die. I cried & cried % suddenly I felt relief in my body . All pain gone. Everything quiet. I could see my parents and grandparents feeling my heartbeat , putting a hand before my nose. I saw no pain on their faces. They just untied me & took off my clothes. My grandmother advised my mum to wash my blood stains from my clothes so no body could blame them. My father and my grand pa tied my neck to a ceiling fan in my hall.

When the investigation begins the neighbors gathered their courage and told the police that they could hear my scream. They police caught my parents & grandparents & put them in jail.

I wish my neighbors could have gathered their courage to raise their voices. I wouldn’t have left the world with so much pain in my body.

PS – Children are not only abused in rural areas but the urban society has kept its right foot forward in such matters. It is such a devastating thing that people in developed countries are also sometimes abused. It is a SHAMEFUL ACT. One must stand to protect them.


– By Khushboo Chauhan

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