THE FAULT IN OUR STARS – An Absorbing Read!



You think you have to be one of those romantics to read this book? You probably got that impression after getting to know about the story or watching the movie. But the answer to my question is an emphatic NO!

You don’t have to be one of those hard-core romantics but a reader, an ardent one! It is a story of Hazel Lancaster, a character is sure to carve a place in your heart. How her life takes a drastic turn when she is diagnosed with Cancer. But as she journeys across life, she meets Augustus; with whom she happens to fall in love with (he has cancer too). John Green’s writing is indeed beyond words. He has crammed up this novel with passion and emotions. Emotions of heart-break, tinge of humor and above it all, love. They will touch your heart-strings like never before. The premise of the story is brilliant coupled with an engrossing narrative which presents a perfect picture in front of you. The most heart-melting part, according to me was when Augustus confessed his love for her on the plane saying, “Oh, I wouldn’t mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you”. The movie might be amazing but I can doubt that it can live up to the standards of the book. It simmers in emotions and leading you to the best romantic journey ever. It brings to light the challenges faced by patients suffering from Cancer. This has been portrayed earlier in movies and novels but they might not be able to match upto Green’s effort. He has portrayed their plea, mesmerizing enough for your heart to go out for them. He also adds some humor to it which will makes it glimmer.

Frankly, enough you can’t call this novel ‘anti-cliché”. It is a much known concept made gorgeous and diverting by Green. As for me, it was a brilliant novel which held me into its thrall. It will make you laugh at the rib-tickling moments, will make you cry at some of them, will make you swoon at their love and most of all it will make you want to love that way will with all your heart. And If you haven’t loved ever before, it will make you want to fall in love.

-Misbaah Mansuri 


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