Major Social Causes Of India



Social causes are regarded as the problems in the society which has a negative impact on the lives of the people. There are many social causes like caste system, dowry, homosexual marriage, drug addiction, superstitions etc. These social issues need to get rid off from the society as these issues have a huge negative impact on the country. Organizations are made like different NGOs which fight for these social causes. Government has an important role to solve social problems. Government policies, Education, Teaching, Technological advancement can help solve the issues. There have been riots, protests done for the social causes.

In India there are some major social causes. Caste system is one major issue. India is a country having millions of different caste of people, there is an enormous diversity. Every state has different culture, religion, language of people. Caste system needs to be eradicated and all the people should unite to take the nation forward. Dowry system is another issue in which when a woman gets married her father needs to pay certain amount of money or material gift is to be given. This system is going on from ages but it has been an issue as a poor family cannot pay money and there have been many crimes done in the name of dowry on the women after marriage.

 Issues like drug addiction are popular among teenagers especially in the modern western world. Young people are given a lot of freedom and due to huge amount of stress, complications, hormonal changes; a teenager is frustrated and confused and could start taking drugs. It has also become a fashion among young people.

–        Jainam J Jhaveri

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