World’s first Elfie… and DOGuum cleaner



An elephant took a selfie after a man had dropped his cellphone in a wildlife park. The man said ‘The elephant was all over it, I think he thought it was food. I didn’t dare to get out the car to get my phone back. One of the workers gave my phone back and I couldn’t believe the elephant had taken two pictures’.

May be next time cellphones instead of touchscreens, will be called ‘trunkscreens’.

A dog in Canada was sucked in by a vacuum cleaner; yes he was alive and had no injuries though he did get a Mohawk Hairstyle :P…

His owner said ‘Combing doesn’t seem to work so I tried vacuum cleaner. He did enjoy it’.

A new way to style your hair real wild at home for free… keep your big fat head in a vacuum cleaner. Make sure it’s real hair and not a wig.

–         Jainam Jhaveri

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