Dubai: The Most Iconic Country



Dubai, a dead place made into heaven. People from different countries come here to explore the heaven made by the Arabians. The AL HABIBI people made all the efforts to make their country beautiful enough to attract visitors from across the globe. The private sector investments have grown from time to time.

In the yesteryears, Dubai was only a dessert. After the oil reserves were found, Dubai started to become a developing country. People from different corners of the world came in to work over here. The country rose from rags to riches. The world would have never taught that a dessert can be converted into a country which is a model for all the developing countries. They taught the world that were there is a will, there is always a way. A little ray of hope can make all the difference.

Dubai made the best use of its resources, i.e. man, money and brains. The architecture work in Dubai has been simply astonishing. The architecture work has been limitless and has crossed the limit of thinking. New ideas and its plan to get implemented every day just got better and better. People have just gone beyond the thinking power of humans. Their craze for cars is known all across the globe.

The police vehicles are mainly a LAMBORGHINI. People sometimes think to get arrested just to sit in the world’s second fastest car. Dubai not only grew in its infrastructure but also grew in their law and order thinking. The rigid and strict law and order make people afraid of doing any crime. The police officers are always vigilant during their working hours.

Dubai has been the home for new ideas. The Palm Beach and the world map islands are one of the marvelous creations of human beings in recent times. The thinking of the engineers and workmanship of the workers have proved that nothing is impossible.

Dubai has proved the world why it is known as the model country for all the developing countries.



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