How To Treat Your Blackheads!





Blackheads can be a real pain but when it comes to treating them, why make them worse? First of all, in case you didn’t know, blackheads are not just dust particles settling down in your skin but they are a combination of oil and dead skin cells which turn black due to oxidation. Now that you know what they are and how stubborn they seem whenever you try removing them, let’s see how to prevent and treat these little annoyances.


  1. Don’t TOUCH!- I know you are always tempted to remove that nuisance from your face as soon as possible and the first mistake we do is try squeezing them out with our naked hands, which are even dirtier than those blackheads! So avoid touching those blackheads and making them worse.
  2. Get yourself an Extractor- Before using an extractor, get enough steam to loosen the blackheads, to avoid tearing or scarring on your face. Once you feel that the blackheads now can be easily removed, gently press the looped metal tool over the affected area to push out the blackhead. This method is easy and quick and better than using fingers.
  3. Don’t torture your skin- Don’t use anything harsh on your face. The skin on your face is sensitive and can’t handle harsh cleansers, face washes etc. and you might want to give baby soaps a try (it works). This will reduce irritation on your face and will invite less dirt.
  4. Mask- If you have an oily skin, try a clay mask. Clay mask will reduce oiliness and will prevent excess oil and dirt from settling on your skin.
  5. Keep it clean, silly!- The most obvious and important method is to keep your skin CLEAN! Keep your pillow cases and phone sanitized. Wash your face with clean water whenever possible.


–        Saloni Tolia


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