Google’s new logo? No one can even notice!


The American search giant founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin has made a tiny change in its logo which no one can even make out. But here is a brief description of the change in the logo with a pictorial comparative representation.

The Old Logo –

New Picture

Below is the new one with the difference –

New Picture (1)

Cannot spot the difference? It’s nearly impossible to detect the change with the naked eye.

The change that is made is – Spacing in the second ‘g’ and the ‘l’ has been slightly tweaked to give make it look more evenly positioned for smaller screens, according to a Google spokesperson.

Still cannot make out? That’s a Laugh Out Loud situation.

Below is an image in the GIF format which would make it very clear where in the changes are shown with a slight movement of the letters in the logo.


  • The difference was first flagged on Reddit
  • The logo was updated over Memorial Day weekend
  • The letter ‘g’ has been moved one pixel to the right.
  • And the ‘l’ has been moved one pixel down and another to the right.
  • Eagle-eyed Reddit users first flagged the updated look
  • Google did not publicize the change as they sometimes have in the past.


This logo seems to be much cleaner but it isn’t a major departure from its predecessor. This change is actually not a worth because it’s hardly perceptible.


By Anand Thakkar

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