How To Live A Peaceful Life For Teenagers




Choose wisely

Have a few close friends. You don’t need drama, fighting, and headaches. Get rid of all those negative people in your life which makes you sad . Find people who make you happy, have goals, and you have a lot in common with.

Keep Smiling

It’s easier said than done but it helps a lot even if you are depressed and sad, happy or excited. Just smile. It’s the prettiest thing anybody can wear.

Exercise & eat healthy

Healthy body, healthy mind and exercise relieves stress, and helps you stay in shape. Eating right keeps your body healthy and happy and will make you cheerful and positive.

Listen to music

Listen to music it keeps you healthy have fun, go crazy, dance like no-one is watching.


Yoga clears the mind, and is great for your body. It helps to keep calm and cool and helps to reduce depression and helps in controlling anger .


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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