Did Ileana D’Cruz Take Anushka Sharma’s Place In Virat Kholi’s Life?



As we all know Anushka Sharma and Virat Kholi’s relation status is one of the hottest topic these days. There are several reports about the two dating each other.

Now we have heard that Anushka Sharma is fully packed with her shooting dates and she couldn’t accommodate dates for Virat Kholi, due to this Anushka Sharma is thrown out of the advertisement and in replacement Ileana D’Cruz is doing the advertisement.

Tollywood actress Ileana D Cruz will be soon seen paired opposite cricketer Virat Kholi in the upcoming shampoo ad which was first done by Anushka sharma.


Do you think Virat will look better with Ileana D’Cruz or do you prefer him with his rumored ladylove Anushka?

By Shamim Noorani

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