Changing Face of Relations


changing face

Wise was the person who spoke of “the relativity of success”. For the simple reason that with time people and relations are changing. Gone are the days when relations were one’s pride and a treasure. Today people are running to achieve goals and success is everyone’s mighty relative. The pressures of life and the expectation of the society have made relations redundant today. No one wants to think about the other as each feels too perplexed by their own situation.

I don’t know whether I should refer to this whole scenario as sad but very few are genuinely happy to see the prosperity or growth of the other. Everyone wants to prove how supreme they are and flaunt their own accomplishments. Competitiveness has entered relations too making it a race to get better than the other without the realisation of one’s own dreams.

You must have definitely come across hyper aunts during your 10th and 12th who want to know your scores only so that they could brag about their own child or someone who has scored better than you. If not you must have definitely come across an uncle who would inquire about your career plans so that he could advise you for better or for worse. What is lacking in both the situations is genuine interest and care. They either want to judge you or label your parents by calling you a waste of time.

In case you’ve entered the age group where you must get married than God also can’t save you from all these people you will meet you at marriages or functions and will give you all kinds of advice, suggestions, and proposals and also speculate as to why you are not getting married. These functions are full of glittery and fancy people who are least bothered and are just waiting for you to trip so that they can make you the example in all their conversations.

If you still don’t believe me that relation’s have changed and so have these relatives wait till you witness a funeral or a condolence meet. There are many who turn up at the funeral and don’t bother to even meet the family of the deceased. I guess they turn up only to show themselves on the list of attendees and don’t have the courtesy to even meet the family members and simply say, ‘sorry for your loss’. Worst are those who come in at odd hours to pay their condolence visit. Whether it’s in the afternoons or late at night and some insensitive ones have lunch or dinner and go shamelessly not realising the family is mourning. The basic point here is that people no longer are connected emotionally and thus resort to doing things for formality.

Next time do hear the tale of relations and enjoyment at functions from your grandparents as such things would be ancient soon. Also do learn from your personal experiences and avoid doing them to others as, ‘an eye for an eye would make the whole world blind’.

–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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