Movie Masala: City Lights – Review




The plot revolves around Deepak Singh(Rajkumar Rao) who loses his village shop to debt and migrates to Mumbai with his wife and child.They meet way too many tricksters and cheats who befriend them when they come to Mumbai.Their life changes from an-impoverished-but-happy life to a real miserable one.

Why should you watch it?

I went for the movie on a whim as I liked the name. It interested me some further and so did the plot when I read about it. Also in the past few weeks, I had too much of mainstream cinema. So that pushed me to go.Want to watch something other then mainstream for a change? Want to know the harsh realities behind your city? So you can’t give a miss to it. 

Also, Rajkumar shines throughout the film.He has proved his mettle as an actor.S o did his reel wife and Hansal Mehta (the director) by capturing reality at his best and getting the best out of his actors. The naivete of the characters makes your heart goes out for them.

Little did we expect from a Hansal Mehta and Rajkumar Rao to kill it. They had hardly any promotions for the movie too.But we should remember that beautiful things never ask for attention!

             -Misbaah Mansuri



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


  1. it seems that once some one has posted a comment,you can’t post a similiar one?i dunno but all i can’t say that the review did help.Its beautiful and the movie is awesome.

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