Some Fun Facts about Alcohol




Alcohol is not something which is encouraged in our country openly. People abstain from talking about it in front of family and relatives. Drinking alcohol is considered a taboo in some parts of India while in others it is something which everyone rejoices with. It is probably one of the most controversial product in terms of health, age, laws or cause of accidents. The age limit for alcohol has been increased to 25 from 21.

Check out some fun facts related to alcohol below

1)      The word “toast,” which means wishing good health originated in ancient Rome. A piece of toasted bread was literally dropped into wine back then.

2)     The soil of one of the vineyards in France is considered so precious that it is mandatory for workers to scrape the soil off their shoes before they leave.

3)     Anyone under the age of 21 should be careful of taking out trash bags in Missouri. If you are under 21 and the garbage contains an empty bottle of alcohol, you can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol.

4)    Most people think that drinking alcohol raises the body temperature. Alcohol actually lowers the body temperature.


5)     Here is a little surprise: The national anthem of United States “The Star Spangled Banner,” was written to the tune of a drinking song.

6)    Although “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is considered to be the shortest sentence that includes all the letters of the alphabet, alcohol lovers came up with one of their own “Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”

7)     Most vegetable and almost all fruits contain a small amount of alcohol in them.

8)    The first Thanksgiving Day didn’t include mashed potatoes, turkey and all other foods that we usually eat on this particular day. However, there was beer, brandy, gin and wine.

9)    Bourbon, the official drink of United States takes its name from Bourbon County in Kentucky.

10)  The pressure in a champagne bottle is 90 pounds per square inch, that is three times the pressure in automobile tires.

11)     Adolf Hitler was one of the world’s best known abstainers from alcohol.

12)   Sir Winston Churchill was one of the world’s heaviest drinkers.

13)   The first recruiting station of the U.S. Marines was a bar.

14)   The world’s oldest known recipe is for beer.

Hope you enjoyed reading these facts.

–        Anjani M Nautiyal


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