Overcoming a jetlag can annoy you for days till you finally settle down. Adjusting to different time zones mess up your plans for the trip and surely wasting your first two days of arrival. It’s not an easy task but a few of my tips might help you.
1. Hydrate:
Staying hydrated during travelling is very important specially while travelling by planes. It easy to forget to drink water during the chaos of security checks and boarding. You are not even allowed to bring in water with you and its expensive on the airport. You might not find it easy to hydrate once you reach your destination. There are ample of reasons to ignore hydrating yourself while travelling. But believe me it becomes easy to overcome jetlag if you take efforts to stay hydrated!
2. Don’t nap for long:
Travelling is tiring but when you are travelling to a different time zone, its better not to nap for too long. Napping might leave you sleepless when you reach the destination at night and you are supposed to sleep then. Taking a nap of 20 mins in my opinion is fine but more than that is a welcome note to jetlag.
3. Reset your clock:
Adjusting your clock to your destination’s time zone is very helpful. If you adjust the clock beforehand, you will be surprised when you reach your destination without a jetlag! Its better to adjust your clock than to waste 1 or 2 days trying to adjust to the new time zone.
4. Good Night’s sleep:
Before boarding try getting a good sleep. This will help you feel well rested and less irritated. The lesser annoyed you are, the easier it gets to adjust with your new time zone!
5. Melatonin:
If nothing of the above works for you, bring some Melatonin with you. This is a natural supplement, used to bring back your circadian rhythm on track. There is no harm in taking Melatonin and its better than suffering from a jetlag!
– Saloni Tolia