Groupon – Your Discount App


Groupon offers

Groupon is an application by Groupon Inc. that offers you great deals and coupons from 500 cities in the world. It gives you discounts of 50%- 90% on the best local getaways, things you can buy, eat, see, etc. This app is not just available for Android users but also for Blackberry, Windows and iOS users. Groupon is ranked at No. 67 in Top Free Apps for iOS users and at No. 5 in Top Free Lifestyle Apps. It’s also ranked at No. 91 in Application/ Shopping Cart on Android.

Groupon is a very user friendly App which gives you discounts in a less complicated way. All you have to do is create an account, specify your location so that it can provide with the best discounts and deals from nearby getaways, eateries, shops etc. which makes it convenient for the user to choose their deal. You can also change your city to a place, where you want to avail discounts for! Groupon has 3 categories from which you can choose your deals. Getaways give you offers on hotels that are near to the city you have entered. These offers are not only for one day stay but you will find deals, ranging from 1 day to 1 week. Goods section offers deals on every good you can think of, be it lunch boxes or shoes or any tech. You will be surprised to find so many deals in just one app. The featured category gives you discounts on drinks, spa, healthcare, membership, dines, etc. which are most demanded by the users of Groupon.

This app is especially for those looking out for amazing discounts. The best part is, this app is for free and you will have to only pay when you want to buy any deal or coupon!

– Saloni Tolia

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Smita Singh


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