Punjabi Food : A Beautiful Ride



The land of five rivers as the world Punjab is made from two words “punj” meaning five and “aab” meaning river in Punjabi. This beautiful land with people of big hearts with long stretch of land with agriculture and modern world blending together having one of the best cuisine of  INDIA that is the PUNJABI CUISINE loved by all of us.


It consists of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes with a blow of spices and lots of tandoor in it.

Whenever anything Punjabi i think of the first thing that comes in my mind is BUTTER CHICKEN (yum!!!!!) . The butter chicken is the most famous dish of the Punjabi food, chicken with loads of spices and butter all over it and giving the immense pleasure while you eat it.

Driving by the road with friends or with family late night with your awful hungry stomach, then you just spot a dhaba and when at the time of order the first thing that comes out of our mouth is “Aloo parantha”, then we can say something else the best parantha is whole world and i guess tried by almost every Indian is this parantha , the most simple and elegant parantha when served with cold yoghurt and a mint chutney gives you the delightful taste pleasure.

You might have heard “SARON DA SAAG AUR MAKKI DI ROTI” thats what every Punjabi mom gives his child and his family because it’s the trademark dish for Punjabi “LASSI MARKE” without forgetting the lassi th sweet youghurt buttermilk sugar mixture which is just a cherry on the cake.

Punjabi Cuisine has an immense range of dishes and has become world-leader in the field so much so that many entrepreneurs that have invested in the sector have built large personal fortunes due to popularity of Punjabi Cuisine throughout the world.

From “Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat sri Akal” to big hearted people and even the best food which resides in our heart and millions all around the world. The dishes are one of the best and a proud Indian contribution to the world.

“The way to a man’s heart goes through his stomach” and this food does prove that this is truly said.


By Harshvardhan Singh

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