Gautam Gambhir’s Fantastic Captaincy Led To Kolkata Winning The Title!



Pakistan’s famous fast bowler and Kolkata Knight Riders current bowling coach Wasim Akhram gives the total credit of Kolkata wining the IPL’s seventh Edition title to captain Gautam Ghambir. Ghambir’s has awesome leadership skills which led to Kolkata winning the title twice, the way he used to motivate his team members keeping lot of trust and faith in their capabilities led to building lot of confidence in the team members. “Ghambir is the best among all IPL captains this season” – As mentioned by the bowling coach of Kolkata Knight Rider’s team.


“It means alot to the team when the skipper is performing well. It adds the security and self belief. He has led his troops very well. I believe he was the best captain in this IPL”- Wasim Akhram told the IPL’s official website.KKR became the only second team IPL team after Chennai Super kings to win the tournament twice and Akhram gives credit for excellent team work and optimum co-operation which the team members showed.

“Our Job was to keep things simple. We just try to keep them relaxed and lend away any assistance they need. That is the manta which I and Trevor Baylis go by. The credit goes to the team and the captain we are here to just support them. The best thing about this team is everyone enjoys each other’s success and company. The foreign players and the Indian boys are really close and that’s great to see as a mentor”- Says Wasim Akhram

Thus we congratulate Wasim Akhram, Gautam Ghambhir and the full Kolkata team for winning the title twice!

–          By Burhan Fatehi

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