William Davis Miners’ Memorial Day 2014 Facts, Quotes, Sayings In English


William Davis Miners’ Memorial Day is celebrated on June 11, 2014 to commemorate all the miners who were killed on the job by coal mining communities in Nova Scotia, Canada. The day is also known as Miners Memorial Day or Davis Day. William Davis was a coal miner who was killed during a protest near New Waterford by striking miners.
Here we present William Davis Miners’ Memorial Day 2014 Facts, Quotes, Sayings In English:


  • Mining is a patient game and it always will be.
  • Our company was mortgaged to the hilt, and that did restrain us, and it’s why we had to take in partners.
  • The investment in our mining industry has been very positive for Australia but we need to be doing more if we want, as I do, more revenue for our defence.. which I think is under-resourced.. our police, our elderly, our hospitals, roads, infrastructure and communication, to be able to repay our debts and enable sustainable job opportunities for existing and future generations.

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