7 Atrocious Fashions You Must Never Try!


Fashion if taken up well works in your benefit, but a tiny judgement gone wrong and there you have a fashion disaster right up your sleeve! Here I am listing down the 7 most common disasters of all time, make sure you don’t make these mistakes:

1. Going An Inch Too Tight


Like really now showing off your curve’s is good but a tight outfit: suffocates you, creates a lot of discomfort, can rip apart any moment and ya makes your flab the center of attention!

2. Going Transparent


This look doesn’t work out for celebs, and for those who need to walk on the streets it’s a worse option. Fabrics such as net, or very transparent chiffon with the glitz is something Beyonce or Priyanka can pull off in their videos, but it’s not a look that will make you look fab believe me.

3. Thunder Thighs And The Black Stockings


Ya not explanations required here a very short dress, a pair of hotties or a skimpy skirt need you to have great legs to carry it off. Well toned thigh and calf muscles teamed up with your classic black stockings below any of your skimpy outfits is fab, but then do you really have that toned figure is a question you should be able to answer truthfully!

4. Just Out Of Bed Look

Mujer despeinada

Messy hair, look even messier if you don’t get the look right! They look really awful on most of the people who have tried it.

5. Shiny Jeggings


Indian’s have a fetish for shiny stuff but where it comes to the lower half shiny jeggins or pants is a strict no no. Its just hurts the eye and makes you want to dial the fashion police right away.

6. Fluffy Sleeves


Its old, passe and 9/10 times wrongly carried off. Fluffy sleeved t shirts, shirts, tops, or even Indian wear is simply a recipe for disaster.

7. Peep Toes For Weirdly Shaped Toes


Accept we are not beautiful all over, and many of us don’t have toes that are very pretty. Showcasing them by wearing peep toes will be a very foolish decision.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up www.bms.co.in's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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