Everything You Need to Know about Adani Group


The Adani group is a business congolomerate headquartered in India ,doing business in resources,logistics,agribusiness and energy business . It was founded in 1988 ,with its founder being Gautam Adani . It is a Public Limited Company .It begun as a commodity trading business .

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Its shareholder base is over 33,000 . Its primary business areas being coal reading,transportation,Power Generation,Edible oil . Its revenue,as of 2011 being 6 billion US dollars ,and net income being 624 million in the same financial year  . The other board of directors  include Rajesh Adani,Vasant Adani and Yoshihiro Miwa .

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The Adani Group is India’s largest coal producer importer,and operates India’s largest private sector port of Mudra .The group also owns India’s largest solar power plant . Their goal for 2020 being,to create port capacity for handling MMPTA of cargo ,and generate 2000 MW of power .

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Their CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility ) includes the Adani Foundation,founded in 1996 .The foundation has done commendable work in 4 major areas.

1. Education

2.Community Health

3.Sustainable Livelihood Development

4. Rural Infrastructure Development.

The Adani foundation bagged an award in the 3rd Annual Greentech CSR 2013 Awards .



-Shlomoh Divekar

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