Apple Steals 11 Features From Google’s Android


Apple’s recently unveiled iOS 8 mobile operating system has many interesting features, including some new tricks that have been available on a certain competing platform long before the iPhone maker found a way to implement them.

apple steals img

Here are the 11 features that have already been available to Android users long before Apple brought them to iOS 8.
1) Including the new QuickType typing suggestions in iOS 8,
2) Apple’s support for third-party keyboard applications,
3) The “Hey, Siri” hotword for always-on listening features,
4) The limited Widgets support in the Notification Center,
5) The battery stats shown in iOS 8’s Settings,
6) Actionable notifications,
7) The improved photo backup in iCloud.
8) The ability of uploading an app video in the App Store or to offer app beta tests to customers
9) The app intercommunication feature that lets iOS apps “talk” to one another.
10) The streaming voice recognition that Siri will support – each word of a phrase will be sent to Apple’s servers rather than the whole phrase
11) The CloudKit support that will offer various server-related features to app developers may not be as obvious to Android users.



–         By Anand Thakkar

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