Set An Alarm Before You Go To Sleep While Travelling!


google alarm img

Google Now has come out with a new app to wake you up while you are in a bus or a train. When you’re taking public transportation, you can set an alarm to make sure you don’t sleep through your stop. No more waking up stranded at the end of the line!

You just open Google Now while you’re on the train or bus, and it’ll offer to activate an alarm when you get near a saved location, like your home or work. It may offer an integrated alarm for saved locations like home and work. The alarm knows where and approximately when you should exit – just tap it, and it will alert you before you get there, overcoming the drinking you did earlier in the evening (or previous evening) and saving you a missed stop.

This is an interesting addition to Google Now – it doesn’t seem to hook into the alarm function of the standard Clock app. Just tap it once to set the alarm, then again to disable it if necessary. Your mileage may vary, quite literally, since public transit support isn’t available in all areas. (The screenshot above is from the Netherlands.)


–         By Anand Thakkar

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